Whole my life I spent in big cities. My parents’ professions forced us to move a few times a year from one city to another. In result I used to live in such metropolis like London, new York City, Krakow, Rome and many many other. I hated it.
I was sick of spending my whole life in those concrete places. Too many skyscrapers, too few trees. Too many people all around me and too little nature. I needed to be close to the nature but I have never had a chance to go to a countryside or just out of the city when I was a kid. That’s why, once I moved out and start living on my own, my very first step was to stay out of the city. That was in Italy. Rome is beautiful and I truly love this city but I really needed something more.
But regarding how many wonderful country-places are in the world I decided not to stay in Italy’s countryside for a long time but rather keep travelling exploring the whole world cause I knew it has a lot to offer. Well, from Rome I moved to Monti Sibylline. This place has a wonderful, very specific climate. It consists of many tiny town and picturesque villages. They are truly amazing. You can find there quite big villages as well as those really small with 2 or 3 houses in it!
However, all of them are worth visiting and staying for a few days, so if you plan to visit Monti Sibylline you should already now notice that you definitely need a few weeks to enjoy the wonderful area. I must admit visiting Monti Sibylline was my very first time when I was hitchhiking. Of course the first time I decided not to travel on my own and I coaxed my good friend to come with me. So we went ahead!